24 tips to lose weight without diet

Many diets require severe dietary restrictions and some of them promise immediate results, resulting in a record number of kilograms given down in a short period of time, but which, unfortunately, are followed by a weight increase above their initial value, and more serious, due to the disorder of metabolism and the appearance of comorbidities of overweight or obesity. There are, of course, weight loss programs developed on the basis of medical scientific nutritionists around the world, who, in addition to their low caloric intake and physical exercise, also recommend a number of tips to lose weight easier and healthier.

Tips to lose weight without diet

24 tips to lose weight:

1) Carefully schedule your meal schedule

Before each meal of the day, start eating 20 minutes earlier. Enjoy each meal, trying to make a habit of “eating slowly”, chewing each food well. Thus, you will transmit to the brain the message that activates hormones that give the sensation of satiety.

2) Get more

sleep If you sleep, on average, with an extra hour each night, you will lose about 5.3 kg in one year, according to a study by researchers at the University of Michigan, who do this. recommendation for a person who consumes 2,500 calories daily (ie a 6% reduction in the total number of calories). There are numerous studies that show that sleep deprivation has the effect of increasing appetite.

3) Consume as many vegetables as possible

Instead of just one vegetable at dinner, serve three different vegetables. You will manage to feed on fiber, but you will also be able to fool your hunger. Nutritionists also recommend natural fruit and vegetable juices instead of sauces.

4) Consume Soups as often as possible

Soups nourish, moisturize and reduce appetite. Served as the first meal for lunch, for example, it helps reduce appetite. But avoid soup with a lot of salt or cream soup, which are high in fat and calories.

5) Choose whole grains

Whether it is rice, barley, oats, buckwheat or wheat, whole grains should be included in the list of products used in lean diets. Besides the fact that they have low calories, the grains stabilize the cholesterol level.

6) Focus your attention on an old fashioned object

Psychologists recommend to those who want to weaken a very simple and handy strategy for the concrete achievement of the proposed objective. Look in the wardrobe for a pair of jeans or an older dress, which will no longer cover you, but which you can use as a specific motivation in the diet plan. Not only will you keep the “reward” in view, but you’ll also save money by reconditioning the wardrobe. And an additional recommendation: to avoid disarming too easily, start with ordinary clothing items, and then, depending on the results, you can increase the stakes gradually, reaching, by the sky, not even an evening dress worn a few years ago.

7) Avoid ham

Moving the two slices of ham from breakfast to a sandwich for lunch will save you 100 calories, which means you will be able to save an average of 4.5 kilograms a year by just changing this menu. You can also make other tasty and especially healthy combinations based on vegetables and fruits.

8) Choose a healthy pizza menu

Try using vegetables to fill the pizza counter instead of the meat so you will get rid of 100 calories. Other culinary strategies in the preparation of the pizza: use low cheese, homemade or barley, or make a thin, crispy top with the help of olive oil.

9) Reduce your sugar intake

Replace sweet soft drinks with mineral or plain water, where you can squeeze a lemon or add a frozen strawberry for a more pleasant taste. It’s a simple tip, which you probably read in all the nutritionists’ recommendations. But you probably didn’t know that, for example, people who consume juices with synthetic sweeteners or sweets take in extra 450 calories a day and an extra weight of almost a kilogram per month.

10) Use a tall, thin glass

When serving a drink, whether it is soft drinks, beer or wine, it is advisable to use tall and narrow glasses, instead of large ones, like milk cans. And for the simple reason that this way you will reduce the amount of liquid consumed by 25-30%. Dr. Brian Wansink of Cornell University argues that people – even bartenders – generally tend to refill large and small glasses.

11) Limit your alcohol consumption

If you are invited to a festive meal, it is advisable that the first drink served is non-alcoholic, such as a glass of mineral water. This is because alcoholic drinks have more calories than carbohydrates or proteins and irritate the gastric mucosa, a sensation that causes the need to break something, peanuts or chips.

12) Focus on Green Tea

You are probably already familiar with the beneficial health effects of green tea. Green tea drinkers have a low risk of developing a wide range of diseases, from simple viral or bacterial infections to chronic degenerative diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, periodontal disease or osteoporosis. This plant is recommended in most diet strategies because it helps to burn fat due to phytochemicals called catechins. Studies show that weight loss is related to pancreatic and gastric lipase inhibition.

13) Use relaxation techniques

People who resort to various relaxation techniques get better and faster results when they plan to lose weight, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. The explanation is that when we concentrate mentally on the feeling of hunger, we can better control what, how and how much we eat until the feeling of satiety emerges, and calm states help us avoid overeating.

14) Eat as often as you can Home

Meals prepared in your own kitchen are tastier and healthier, at least so say the experts quoted in a study published by the magazine “Consumer Reports”, which recommends those who invoke the lack of time for cooking to procure semi-prepared products and combine them according to various recipes advised by nutritionists.

15) Do not skip the “break in food”

Most of us get used to having short breaks during the meal in which we leave the fork down for a few minutes of conversation. Specialists recommend that we pay more attention to this special moment, which actually shows the degree of saturation, which many people who have problems with weight omit or misinterpret.

16) Use chewing gum  

Whether it has the strong aroma of mint, bananas or strawberries, chewing gum can successfully replace a snack when the hunger sensation between meals. This product is also recommended if we carry out various activities that require a certain degree of concentration.

17) Eat small plates

Nutritionists recommend avoiding the use of large dishes so that you are not tempted to fill them again. Dr. Brian Wansink conducted an experiment which showed that by this method we can add 100-200 calories less daily, which is equivalent to a weight loss per year ranging from 4.5 to 8 kilograms.

18) Handle food carefully

Although it may seem tiresome, this recommendation can become an automatic gesture if at each meal we learn to carefully choose the food portions, which must be of sizes and sizes, to get used to a small amount of food.

19) Try rule 80-20

It may sound a bit weird this ratio of figures, but they reflect an eating strategy with efficient results, proven by the case of Okinawa Islanders, who are accustomed to eating only 80% of the products prepared at the table. They calculate each portion and divide it in such a way that they make sure that each time they have an unused portion left on the plate. This natural weight loss technique also has a name: hara hachi bu. This small island in the Japanese archipelago, whose celebrity continues to grow, in part due to the longevity and impressive health of its inhabitants, is also famous for a special diet, the Okinawa diet, which contains:

– vegetables and fruits (especially cucumbers)

– whole grains (rice, corn, gray, pasta)

– products based on soy (tofu, soy milk)

– aromatic plants and vegetables (parsley, creson)

– fish and seafood (at least 3 times a week)

– red meat and dairy products – in small quantities

– very low alcohol, sugar and salt

– tea and water – plenty

20) Eat in your own style The

meals served at the restaurant are recognized as fat and harmful to the figure, but it is up to you to change this perception in a healthy eating style, following some simple recommendations:

– skip appetizers or order a large bowl with salad and vegetables

– ask to be served in medium and small plates

– consume only half of a serving of food, the rest ask to be packed to take home

21) Consume red

sauce Choose the red sauce for pasta whenever you have the opportunity. Tomato sauce has less calories and fat compared to cream sauces. But, remember, portion size matters! Serve a serving of pasta the size of a tennis ball.

22) Be from time to time a vegetarian …

By eating plant foods you will get a habit not only healthy eating, but you will manage to lose weight more easily. According to specialists, vegetarian people weigh 20% less compared to people who consume animal fats.

23) Activities that will get rid of 100 calories per day

– walk for 20 minutes on a distance of about 1.5 kilometers

– clean the garden or house for 20 minutes every day

– run in the morning or evening for 10 minutes

– clean the lawn for 20 minutes

24 ) Enjoy success!

Each time you achieve success in the diet, even for a kilogram less on the scale, you must enjoy this achievement. The same recommendation applies even if you managed to get rid of an unhealthy habit for the body, such as quitting smoking or alcohol. Improving lifestyle is a constant endeavor, but it also offers the joy of concrete results, which it is good to share with a nutritionist and friends who will support you morally. At the same time, do not forget to reward yourself for each personal success, making yourself a clothing and even food gift, why not, in the form of a small special cake.

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