Benefits of regular exercise

All you have to do is start an exercise program.
The benefits of physical exercise – from preventing chronic cardiology to increasing confidence in one’s own strength – are hard to ignore.

benefits of a regular exercise program are:

1. Exercise improves your mood.

Exercise stimulates a number of nerve centers in the brain, which will help you feel happier and more relaxed. You will also look better if you follow a regular exercise program, and this will improve your self-esteem and self-confidence. In addition, physical exercise reduces anxiety and depression .

2. Exercise fights chronic diseases

A regular exercise program can help prevent or control high blood pressure. Even the cholesterol level will benefit you if you move. Regular exercise helps increase the level of HDL (known as “good” cholesterol) while lowering LDL (“bad” cholesterol). Also, sports can help prevent type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and certain cancers .

3. Exercise helps maintain weight control

When you exercise you burn calories and the more intense it is, the more calories you burn. You don’t have to put in too much effort and it doesn’t take much time. Climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator, take a short walk during the lunch break, do some knee-jerking in the advertising breaks or, even better, turn off the TV and go for a walk.

4. Exercise strengthens your heart and lungs

Through exercise, tissues are better oxygenated and nourished with nutrients, and this results in the improvement of the entire cardiovascular system.

5. Exercise offers a quiet sleep

A good sleep helps you focus, be more productive and improve your mood. A regular exercise program can help you fall asleep easier and give you a restful sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, try to do sports in the afternoon.

6. Exercise can revive your sex life

Regular exercises will help you feel more energetic and look good, which will have a positive impact on your sex life as well. In addition, physical activity improves blood circulation, which will lead to greater satisfaction with sex. Men who exercise regularly are much less likely to experience erectile dysfunction.

7. Exercise can be fun

 Sign up for dance, mountaineering or hiking in the mountains (where to hike). Gather some friends and organize a game of football, volleyball, tennis, etc. All that matters is moving.

8. Regular exercise

Regular exercise can help you lose weight , in particular fat (heart load will decrease.)

9. Your body

Your body will “learn” to maximize the level of oxygen in the blood, therefore, all internal organs will receive much more oxygen. This will have a beneficial effect on their functioning and disease resistance . The walls of the vessels become more elastic.

10. Your resting heart

Your resting heart rate will drop because your heart will be able to throw more blood into your body in a single beat. Therefore, when you rest, the heart will also not work unduly active.

11. Blood pressure

Blood pressure will drop or will not change uncontrollably. This is especially important for hypertensive patients.

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